Blocked nose? Acupuncture for sinuses.
Blocked and painful sinuses can be a great source of suffering. Using Japanese-style acupuncture, Dr Caleb Mortensen at Kotan Acupuncture can help clear up nasal passages and get rid of excess mucus.
Can’t sleep? Acupuncture can help.
Do you find yourself tossing and turning each night? Walking up too early? Struggling to get restful sleep? Acupuncture can help!
Moxibustion is the best medicine.
Traditionally acupuncture and Moxibustion were complementary parts of one medicine, as inseparable as clouds and the sky
Can acupuncture help my anxiety?
Acupuncture for anxiety treatments are tailored to the person. Japanese Acupuncture is for people who might have stress and anxiety.
Acupuncture for digestion.
Stomach and digestion problems like bloating and cramping can be treated through gentle Japanese Acupuncture.
Acupuncture for depression.
Did you know around 32% of Australians suffer from depression? If you’re one of the 32%, you’re not alone. The good news is, Kotan Acupuncture, Brunswick can help you!