Moxibustion is the best medicine.
In my practice of classical acupuncture I constantly come across other practitioners who know next to nothing about the incredibly powerful healing that Moxibustion can provide.
Traditionally acupuncture and Moxibustion were complementary parts of one medicine, as inseparable as clouds and the sky. But along the way, this tradition was lost and today many practitioners are not even taught how to use Moxa.
I’ve heard it said that this was a result of a cultural shift in China.
In China, moxibustion was seen as cheap medicine, derived from a weed and freely available to the ‘unclean masses’. Needling on the other hand was expensive and restricted to the affluent upper class.
The idea that moxibustion was for the masses meant it fell out of popularity and is rarely used today in modern Chinese clinics.
This has left the practice of Moxa to Japanese practitioners who saw the inherent value of the herb.
Moxibustion is an excellent tool.
When you have a look at what can be done with needling alone the practice of acupuncture falls short, but if you add Moxa then suddenly a whole range of services opens up to the practitioner. The points on the body (often referred to as acu-points) are not only responsive to electrical stimuli but are also thermally reactive. So limiting the field of practice to acupuncture alone seems unnecessarily narrow in its scope.
Moxa makes a treatment special.
When my patients experience the unique thrill of having a combined acupuncture and moxibustion treatment they really notice the difference and revel in the superior feeling (but that’s just my totally unbiased view).
So come along and enjoy the health benefits of Moxibustion.