According to traditional Chinese medicine, a healthy state is the result of a harmonious balance between the Yin and Yang life forces known as Ki (energy) . Ki flows through meridians (pathways) in the human body and are accessible through 361 acu-points.
At Kotan Acupuncture, I use a variety of needling and moxibustion techniques, penetrating the meridians to correct the overall flow of Ki and balance out Yin and Yang.
From a Western bio-medical perspective, the therapeutic effects of acupuncture are reached through the stimulation of the nervous system and spinal cord. Acupuncture can also cause the release of opioid peptides and serotonin, alleviating pain and improving overall well being.
Treatment at Kotan Acupuncture are gentle . Patients experience a deep sense of calm and relaxation, often falling asleep during treatment. Whilst sticking needles into your body may seem scary, our Japanese acupuncture techniques are virtually pain free.
The main differences between Chinese and Japanese acupuncture are the extensive uses of Moxibustion, the thickness of the needles and the hand to needle insertion techniques.
Japanese acupuncture often uses smaller, finer and sharper needles, penetrating just below the skin. At Kotan acupuncture, we use special techniques to guide needles into the skin, enhancing accuracy and preventing pain. Chinese acupuncture on the other hand uses larger needles and involves lifting, thrusting and twisting needles.
Moxibustion is a herb that comes from dried Mugwort leaves. It has been used for millennia in traditional Chinese medicine as part of acupuncture treatment. The original Chinese character for Acupuncture is comprised of both the characters for needling as well as moxibustion. It is an essential part of any Acupuncture treatment, and in my opinion, any practitioners who fails to utilize this in their treatments are not real acupuncturists.
At Kotan Acupuncture I use moxibustion regularly. Moxibustion is a smouldering herb whose therapeutic effects are wide ranging. The burning of the smouldering moxa (cone of moxibustion) close enough to allow heat to travel through, into the body. It is also sometimes used on the needles themselves.
Yes! At Kotan Acupuncture, your comfort and safety is our priority. All sessions begin with a general health inquiry to identify underlying conditions and allergies.
All equipment is sterilised and needles are disposed of between sessions. We maintain a clean and sanitised space.
Negative side effects from acupuncture are minimal. Some patients may experience some light bruising, however, most walk away feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
One-hour sessions at Kotan Acupuncture cost $110 (or $95 for concession card holders. )