Acupuncture for digestion.

Stomach and digestion problems like bloating and cramping can be treated through gentle Japanese Acupuncture. Upper stomach pains and cramping, and lower stomach problems like constipation, bloating and diarrhea are responsive to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea are related to the stomach/spleen system and indicate significant imbalances in the Yin and Yang of the body’s internal organs. At Kotan Acupuncture, Brunswick, great care is given to help relieve you of these burdens. Acupuncture can be of great assistance either on its own or alongside your regular medications.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) symptoms like diarrhea, bloating and nausea all indicate a spleen deficiency. The spleen and stomach have a close relationship, making up the Yin/Yang pairing of the Earth element. Because they are so closely linked, when one organ becomes weak its paired organ will also become affected in its function. The inter-relationship of the organs is a lot like a traditional family dynamic, no one organ exists alone and must always be looked at in relation to its closest partners. Therefore weak Spleen Ki means the Stomach Ki becomes unbalanced.

Symptoms of Spleen Deficiency

According to TCM the spleen is considered a vital organ for the production of energy (Ki) and vital fluids. The spleen and stomach as a pairing is regarded as the central hub of energy production in the body. Healthy digestion of food and drink is crucial for the production of energy in the stomach- when patients are experiencing digestive issues, it’s often a sign of a weakened spleen Ki.

Symptoms of spleen deficiency can include:

  • Loss of mind clarity

  • Poor concentration

  • Bloating

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea

  • Weakness of arms and legs

  • Dull headaches

  • bruising easily

  • Brain fog.

Acupuncture for Stomach and Intestinal Problems

Japanese Acupuncture seeks to treat people with digestion disorders by adjusting the flow of energy moving into the gastrointestinal tract. This equates to removing any excesses such as heat or even stuck food as well as improving inner motility (internal movements). Too much heat trapped in the stomach can lead to vomiting, bad breath, excessive appetites and weight gain. If the situation continues for some time the heat will eventually damage the body’s fluids and problems like cramping in the stomach and intestines will result. The heat will also dry out the stools causing constipation and weakening the motility affecting absorption rates of the small and large intestines.

When treating a person experiencing abdominal pain and assessing digestion, it is important to look at the body from a number of different perspectives. People are advised to check with their GPs to ensure that no serious illnesses are present. Japanese Acupuncture is wonderful for treating the person, however, western medicine is also a rich source of diagnostic information and treatments. The two can often be used in combination with each other in a positive way. Abdominal pain can be symptomatic of serious illness in some cases and should not be taken lightly.


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