Frozen Shoulder and Acupuncture
Frozen shoulder cases, a common occurrence, provide an excellent chance for improvement by combining acupuncture and moxibustion methods.
Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, causes shoulder stiffness and pain in three stages: freezing, frozen, and thawing. Symptoms worsen in the freezing stage, plateau in the frozen stage with severe stiffness, and gradually improve during thawing.
Through my experience, I've learned that needling and moxibustion techniques used together, such as Rice-Grain Moxa and Needle Head Moxa play a crucial role in achieving positive results. It's important to highlight the swift progress often observed in patients receiving these tailored treatments, emphasizing the effectiveness of these individualized approaches.
Depending on the severity of the injury, one might expect to be pain free within half a dozen treatments. This is of course simply an estimate, but based on my clinical experience.
The Japanese or Classical Acupuncture approach that was taught to me really is quite effective and is somewhat unique to those who utilise Moxibustion to its fullest extent. So, if you do seek out an acupuncturist to treat your frozen shoulder, please do yourself a favor and make sure they are trained in moxa techniques.
Although there can be various reasons as to why someone develops frozen shoulder, most of the time it is the result of a long term condition known as Empty Heat. Over time, this heat, which is generated by a lack of cooling Yin qualities, this heat consumes the lubricating fluids in the shoulder joint until, SNAP, the twig breaks. This is why normal (unaided) recovery takes such a long time, 12-18 months is typical. The body simply doesn’t have the resources to recover quickly, and this is why proper treatment is necessary from someone who understands, at a deeper level what is happening.
Warning: Frozen Shoulder and Empty Heat have a causal relationship, the lack of Yin is the primary cause of this condition. If you suffer from this, it can be a blessing in terms of your future health. Experiencing this condition may result in your accessing life-saving treatments that would otherwise be unavailable to you. In the most severe instances, the possibility of heart failure looms ahead. So please do not take it lightly, certainly not sitting down. Get some treatment please.