Edema and Acupuncture

Kotan Acupuncture Clnic and Edema

Acupuncture for Edema, commonly known as swelling, occurs when excess fluid becomes trapped in the body's tissues. This condition can result from various factors such as pregnancy, certain medications, or underlying health issues like heart or kidney problems. Symptoms may include puffiness, stretched or shiny skin, and bloating in the affected area.

Also historically known as Water Disease or Water Swelling, Edema can arise from from a number of causes such as Kidney Yin weakness, Spleen and Stomach problems causing Phlegm or Thin mucus obstructions or what used to called Rotten Swelling.

Often associated with Nephritis or Heart Disease, Edema should be taken seriously. Taking early actions to arrest any Edema can be life saving for some people. The Practice of Moxibustion on particular points on the body can be of great assistance in treating this condition.

Acupuncture Treatment for Edema

The use of acupuncture and moxibustion for Edema will seek to target the movement of those fluids to healthier balance, address the reasons why its occurred and minimize its return.

It is important to note that except for Sudden Onset Edema, which would need to addressed differently, this condition is almost always chronic and requires ongoing treatments to reap the full benefits of what acupuncture can offer you at Kotan Clinic.


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