Acupuncture and Breast Feeding

Postpartum can be a time when women may suffer from a number of different issues affecting Breast Feeding such as stiff shoulders, Mastitis, nausea, insomnia, bleeding to name but a few.

In the practice of Oriental Medicine, with problems like Mastitis or insufficient lactation, it is important to understand the inter-relationships of Qi, Blood and Fluids, how breast milk is considered the be similar to Blood. This can be very very important if there was a physical blood loss or deficiency of Blood (TCM-wise) from the pregnancy as this can lead to troubles like post natal depression for instance.

Treatment For Insufficient Lactation

Using Acupuncture and Moxibustion to treat lactation issues can relieve irritations such as Mastitis, in Oriental Medicine this is a problem to do with Heat trapped in Yang Ming Meridians, whilst also improving milk production. Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Lactation is performed on hard points found on the shoulders and scapula are effective at relieving such problems.

Kotan Acupuncture Clinic uses gentle techniques with lots of Moxibustion to help warm the blood. This great for mothers to help the body recover and can act like a deep tonic to the soul.


Acupuncture and Elbows


Edema and Acupuncture