Acupuncture and Elbows
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common condition that typically affects individuals who engage in repetitive arm and wrist movements. It can occur in people who participate in various sports or occupations that involve similar repetitive motions.
Golfers elbow, known in medical terms as medial epicondylitis, is a condition that results in pain and discomfort around the inner side of the elbow. Individuals who frequently engage in activities that require gripping or swinging—such as golfers, hence the name—are particularly susceptible to developing this condition.
Whether it Tennis or Golfers Elbow, acupuncture and moxibustion can be of a great help in healing. Torn and damaged tissues in the arm, tendons and ligaments respond very well to targeted treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion.
One of the significant benefits of Japanese style moxibustion for treatment of elbows would be the use of Rice Grain Style Moxa. This incredible technique allows the heat from the Moxa to penetrate deep into the joints and tissues to help recovery. This technique has a strong impact on the Yin, leveling up the intensity or strength of the Yin so that the body is able to properly nourish these joints in the future as well.