Acupuncture and Sleep
Insomnia or a lack of sleep, as we all know through experience, just makes us irritable. Sow me a person having a meltdown, chances are they didn’t get a good nights sleep. Its not personal, it’s simply a condition bought on by insufficient rest. Our bodies need rest, but ironically also need sufficient internal strength in order to rest.
This is a very important point, the body need sufficient internal strength in order to achieve a restful state. Diagnosing the reason why this internal balance is not working can be determined by the type of insomnia one falls prey to.
In Eastern medicine treatment for insomnia can focus on the different aspects of the body’s varying systems. The type of insomnia where ones has great difficulty getting off to sleep, but once asleep can go through the night, will benefit from a Spleen Ki Deficiency treatment. This type of treatment helps to settle the Mind which can become overactive just before bed.
More extreme cases wherein the body is unable to sleep at all, or so little as to virtually sleepless need to be treated very carefully. Many patients like this might require hospitalization. If possible, acupuncture and moxibustion, applied daily in small doses is of significant benefit to bringing that inner strength back which is needed for sleep.