Acupuncture and Bells Palsy
Bell's Palsy is a condition characterized by sudden, temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face. This condition occurs when the facial nerve, which is responsible for controlling facial movements, becomes inflamed.
Symptoms may include drooping of the mouth or eyelid, loss of the ability to smile or frown, and changes in taste.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion at Kotan Clinic in Brunswick can be of great assistance with Bells Palsy. This is achieved through a combination of techniques taught to me by my master Okuma Sensei. One needs to treat the ‘Blood deficiency’ that led up to the trouble as well as using the Moxibustion near the area to give the flesh back its strength and correct form.
Curiously, as a student in China in the early 200s, I happened to witness many many patients coming into the local hospital with this condition (I was in a very cold region of China at the time) and so this was the first time I saw how the Moxibustion in particular was so important to the patients recovery. In those days the doctors would often give the patients half a Moxa Stick on a toothpick and direct them to a particular room with ample ventilation with multiple patients all burning moxa sticks near their palsy faces. It was quite a sight.