Acupuncture for osteoarthritis.

Old woman hanging out a window smiling.

Osteoarthritis can be debilitating, especially as we age. Joint pain in the hips, hands and knees can stop us in our tracks, making simple activities like loading the dishwasher an agonising task.

Acupuncture for osteoarthritis can help you deal with pain, reduce swelling and get rid of stiffness.

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis?

  • Pain and discomfort.

  • Difficulty walking and using stairs.

  • Swelling of the soft tissue and around knee joints.

  • Hard swelling in the form of bony growths.

  • Stiffness and immobility of the joints.

How can acupuncture help me?

Kotan Acupuncture uses treatments that can address existing pain. We can help reduce swelling and stiffness. A systematic review of randomized clinical trials published online at has shown that “the meta-analysis indicated that acupuncture had beneficial effect on knee osteoarthritis in reducing pain”.


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